var setting = new Array(); setting.siteRootUrl = ""; setting.siteDescriptionMaxLength = 200; setting.minSiteDescriptionLength = 3; setting.maxKeywordsCountPerSite = 5; setting.lang = new Array(); setting.lang['You have already added this keyword. Select another one.'] = "Já escolheu esta palavra chave. Escolha otra."; setting.lang['loading...'] = "Cargamento..."; setting.lang['Please, fill in the fields URL of site, Title and Description.'] = "Por favor preenche a Url do site, Email, Título e Descrição"; setting.lang['The URL must start with http://'] = "A Url deve começar com http://"; setting.lang['Please, enter a valid e-mail address.'] = "Indicar um endereço email válido"; setting.lang['You modify the webmaster of this site. Do you want the fields Webmaster Email and Webmaster Name to be refreshed, or you want to modify them manually?'] = "Mudando o webmaster do site, o mail muda também"; setting.lang['The comment was saved.'] = "Comentário cargado"; setting.lang['The comment was deleted.'] = "Comentário suprimido"; setting.lang['The IP was banned.'] = "IP proibido"; setting.lang['Please, select a package.'] = "Seleccione uma oferta"; setting.lang['Please, select a payment processor.'] = "Seleccione o modo de pagamento"; setting.lang['Please, enter a name or nickname.'] = "Por favor entre vosso nome"; setting.lang['Please, enter a comment.'] = "Por favor escreva um comentário"; setting.lang['Please, enter the protection code.'] = "Por favor escreva o código de proteção"; setting.lang['The tag was saved.'] = "The tag was saved."; setting.lang['You can`t select this payment method for selected package.'] = "You can`t select this payment method for selected package.";